Comments from the original post- The anguish that this man causes...

In the interest of being transparent, here are the original comments from the post above. They reflect the great emotion and stress that this man causes.

WinGellyGirl said...
I know both Curtis and his ex-wife. From what I know about them both, I am sure that everything you say about Curtis is likely true. He is definitely a con man, and you should proceed with caution and avoid any and all financial transactions with him unless he pays you cash upfront. Otherwise, you will almost surely never see your money. Nor should you believe anything he says that you don't see with your own eyes.

What you say about his ex-wife however is not exactly true, or is at best misleading. She is hardly the innocent victim she portrays herself to be. Yes, her life was destroyed by her relationship with Curtis. No doubt about it. However, it was her own greed that took her to that place. And in some ways, what happened to her was due to her willingness to hurt another woman to get what she thought was going to be an easy life being taken care of by a successful man. At the expense of the wife he already had and their three children.

Curtis was married when they met, to the mother of his three children to whom he had been married for over twenty years. The alleged "innocent victim" knew this. His wife at the time tried to warn her, but she dismissed her and ignored her thinking she had "won". She showed no concern for the fact that he was already married with three children. She was just enjoying the lifestyle he gave her, funded by the money he should have been using to take care of his family. He actually ended up losing that job over stupid lies he told his boss to get time to be with her. When the boss found out, he fired him. Idiotic and horrible behavior on Curtis' part. Dishonorable and selfish behavior on his now "innocent ex-wife's." They made the bed though and actions have consequences.

Curtis's former wife truly is a "lovely woman". Even after all he put her through, she isn't bitter. I have no idea why, but she remains a good and decent woman. Curtis, however, lost teh relationship with his older three children due to the affair he had with the newest ex-wife. That is why he is so obsessed with the 8-year-old. And yes, the ex does have full custody, but the court battles do continue as you can see from the online court records. So that is one thing at least that Curtis is not lying about.

The current ex-wife however may be damaged by the extreme stress that she went through. Whatever the reason, she has made it her goal to make sure he never works again, nor keeps a job again.

With these types of blogs and efforts such as the kind you described to inform his employers and potential landlords and business partners not to do business with him, it is extremely unlikely that any of you will ever get your money back. How is a person with no possibility of earning a living supposed to pay anyone back, including child support?

The only reasonable inference from this behavior that I have watched since 2014 is that the desire is not to get the money owed, but to harass and punish Curtis for all the wrong he has done. If that is the goal, just be honest and state it. But these endless blogs and supposed efforts to "help potential victims" are disingenuous and fooling no one. As far as helping with "other investigations". as far I have ever known he has cheated women and landlords and run scams. He hasn't committed any violent or drug crimes or anything at all like that.

Curtis is a con man, and he is a liar. He has cheated many people out of many things. Including me. But if he isn't allowed an opportunity to once again earn legitimate money, there is no chance for him to at least try to make right the many things he has made wrong. So complaining about the money he owes you while actively making it impossible for him to pay you back seems odd at best, and malicious and short-sighted at worst. I just can't understand why people are willing to put so much time and effort into "getting back at someone".
SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 AT 1:55 PM

Blogger said...
You sound a lot like Curtis, with long messages and the way you speak. If you are not, forgive me, and thank you for confirming that he is a con man. If you would like to tell your story of how he cheated you, please send an email to the address mentioned. Thank you.
SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 AT 5:59 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
The previous post sounds a lot like Curtis. He never wants to be held accountable for his actions.
This blog is to warn other women, business owners, and landlords that Curtis Coats III is a Con artist and a scammer. He can do right by not scamming people and become a respectful honest, hard working productive Man instead of a low life scamming leach. He is a man with children and he has no disregard for them he is a self serving narcissist .

It is not about getting back at someone. It is about holding Curtis responsible for his wrong doing and warning others that he is a person that is not to be trusted.
SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 AT 11:25 AM

WinGellyGirl said...
Yes, it occurred to me that people would think my post was from Curtis pretending to be someone else. He has done that many times before.

I am not sure however how you read my post and got the idea that I don't think he should be held accountable for his actions. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If I think about it too long, I still feel rage over the many ways he took advantage of my friendship with his family. But I had to let it go. The anger was consuming me. Believe me, it was not easy. There was a lot of prayer involved. But having done it, I feel lighter and at peace. Most of the time. I just know that never, ever in life to trust him at all or let him anywhere near me, my family, my money, credit cards, SS number, checkbook or anything else that can be used for a scam. I admit I would warn women about befriending him or dating him, but it would never occur to me to interfere with his ability to find a place to live or earn a living.

I am not judging you. I am pretty sure that you have your reasons for what you're doing, and it is not my business. I just thought I would mention that none of us will ever get anything back, as long as he doesn't work.
SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 AT 3:07 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...

How is anyone interfering with him getting a job or finding a place to stay. He's done that to himself look at the number of landlords he has scammed using fake identities. The only reason Curtis couldn't get a job is due to what he has done in his past and present and he can't pass a background check. Curtis has ruined his own reputation, there is no one else to blame for that but Curtis. As business owners we have to protect ourselves from people like him and protect other business owners as well. At some point there has to be some accountability and atonement for his actions. It is not about the money It is about principle. it is about honest and integrity and doing what is right. Get an honest truthful job. stop trying to scam people have some integrity if not for yourself your children. There is nothing right about anything Curtis has done and continues to do. The actual best place for him to be is in Jail. He will get 3 hot meals a day and nice place to sleep. Problem solved . he can have job while in prison and make about $1.15 a day.
SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 AT 4:50 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
so he can't go back to Texas there are still two open warrants for his arrest. His name is tainted in Texas
Found some info on him from when he lived there an people started realizing he was scam

Update: Austin Monthly has decided to remove Curtis Coats from its 2016 list of the Top Singles in the City.

We are taking this unusual step after receiving information from multiple sources about his selection. After doing our own research, we have determined that it is in the best interest of everyone involved for Mr. Coats to no longer be included in the list, which was first printed in the August edition of the magazine. As a result of this decision, we will be reviewing our selection process to ensure that situations like this do not occur again in the future.

court dates he didn't show up for that warrants attached




9/26/19 9:00 AM








9/26/19 9:00 AM




THEFT PROP>=$1,500<$20K
SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 AT 5:03 PM

WinGellyGirl said...
Wow! Oh my. It is even worse than I knew! I am shutting my mouth.
SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 AT 5:50 PM

Blogger said...
Thank you for contributing additional information, Tracy! Very interesting, I will add it to our list.

For being a family friend, you sure revealed a lot of personal dirty laundry. And also merely confirmed that his second ex wife was conned into marriage. I noticed you created a new profile just to respond to this blog. Are you new to google? I ask because Curtis manages many email addresses, with many personalities behind them- male and female. I am curious how you are still so close to Curtis and his ex, that you know so many goings on, but are surprised at the info Tracy shared.

Also, would you be so kind as to share a few links for the "endless blogs" like these that you referenced? I am no psychologist, but I would bet to say, that this is Curtis. Your first reply was a reaction to seeing my blog, finding out I had been in contact with your ex, got into a fight with her about it, and then posted your response in reaction to being mad at her. The blog wasn't about HER, it is about YOU.

And finally, my intent for the posting is to warn others and to collect more information on your track record for the authorities. However the offline responses I have seen so far, along with many "Thank you for posting this" messages, are shocking. I am now considering shopping our stories around for a movie or television documentary. And I have many contacts in the business. If it sells, maybe we will get some of our money back just by telling our stories.

Reminder to everyone, please email your info to

SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 AT 12:49 PM

Tina Lee said...
Tracy and Amber, Thank you for responding.  I've got so much to add to Curtis's dossier.

WinGellyGirl, if Curtis wants to make an honest living, I'm in full support of that.  But I can tell you that he doesn't yet.  I was Curtis's landlady.  Ten days ago, I discovered that Curtis and his accomplices damaged and robbed my home.

As Tracy's pointed out, Curtis had, and continues to have, warrants out for his arrest when he defrauded me and other victims.  Knowing what I know today, I wouldn't ever want him to set foot in my home, let alone my community.  Would you?

Short of hogtying him (wouldn't that be fun?), this is the best way to stop him.  I can tell you that he doesn't need, as you say, to peddle drugs or commit violence to hurt a community (funny that you'd have to resort to such low standards to justify Curtis's actions).  A community is only as good as its trust and goodwill.  Curtis preys on these qualities and turns them to shit.  I commend Amber for crowdsourcing his crimes to hold him accountable. Amber, you're fucking brilliant.

I can tell you that I no longer have sympathy for him.  He told us his son was ill, in need of frequent medical care, and whose condition could only be mitigated by meds that required refrigeration.  What drove him to risk jinxing his own child's health? His discomfort.  He didn't want to pay for electricity but wanted the AC on.  Lies like this give me pause about his regard for anyone besides himself.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 AT 8:16 PM

Tina Lee said...
Ditto.  WinGellyGirl, if you're not Curtis, please use a real identity.  You leave me to speculate that you agreed with Tracy to end the conversation once you realized that you're just prompting her to post more damning evidence.

Your claim about Curtis being married doesn't line up with publicly available information.  Given your intimate knowledge of him, I'm surprised that you downplayed his prowling on a dating website for single women WHILE being married, as you claim.  That doesn't make his ex a homewrecker, it makes Curtis a creep on top of being a fraud.  From Essence's Bobbi Misick:

"Curtis even went so far as to announce that he would only commit to a three-day [online dating] trial. Before his deadline was up, he stumbled on Ayanna’s profile. 'I saw a picture of her sitting at a table and I said to my friend, ‘I’m telling you, this woman is my wife.'"

Here's the article: 

You need to use a real identity, because you sound too much like Curtis.  It would lend credibility to your claims too.

If you are Curtis though, I find it ironic that a cheat's calling foul.  What sort of twisted logic is it that you're the victim here and your reputation's being smeared?
That this blog prevents you from paying your victims back? Ha.

I had the misfortune of being dragged into Georgia's Federal Bankruptcy Court last month, courtesy of Curtis.  I can attest to the fact that he's got creditors lining up around the block.  One poor guy (a creditor) filed a $40k+ claim against Curtis.  THAT's the guy who has every right to be indignant.  NOT YOU CURTIS, so spare me your sob story.

I also can't count the number of emails I have in my inbox from him impersonating someone else.  Some of them are hilarious.  He'd write as his mover and cc his mover's driver, who turns out to be one the addresses in Amber's post above.  Dunno if he's sloppy or lazy.  He'd write as his mover to postpone the move because of Curtis's vast art collection and immense "8-piece dining set", which as we all know, requires procuring super special equipment.  Then he writes as himself yelling at his mover.  Then he writes again responding as his mover.  He's like Pacific Heights meets Will Ferrell.  I'll need to post these online for everyone's enjoyment.  I'll pop a link to them here once I do. 
SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 AT 8:22 PM

WinGellyGirl said...
This is bizarre and is starting to feel childish. I am an adult, and I don't play games, so this exchange is ending.

First, however, let me answer your questions since I have some downtime and am flabbergasted at your responses. This is so odd. Here goes:

I am not one of Curtis' "crazy exes" who thrives on messiness. My relationship with him was not romantic in any way. I know him because I am a friend of people related to him. I helped him, (with the knowledge and grudging consent of my husband) because I was sucked in by his stories and felt sorry for him and wanted to help him with his son. But I also got conned and taken advantage of. Lesson learned.

I found your blog when I googled Curtis' father looking for his online memorial for a friend who just lost her mother and wants to do something similar. His father had the same name, so this blog came up. I should have minded my own business but was curious about what he's done now, so opened your blog and took a peek, and decided against my better judgment to post.

I created a new email address to post because Curtis and his family members would recognize my name and email address if it shows on this blog, and I didn't want problems behind his knowing I have posted if he sees this blog or any awkwardness from my friends knowing I posted if they see it. Of course, it is now a moot point because the additional information I am now providing will make it obvious to him and his family who I am if they should ever see this.

I didn't know Curtis had warrants because no one around me has mentioned it, and I doubt if his family knows. If they do, they had no reason to share that info with me. It doesn't have anything to do with me. Everyone knows what I went through with him and how angry my husband and I were, so they don't talk about him around me anymore.

I simply posted on a blog and now am receiving accusations from someone I don't even know. You would think I was criticizing Trump on Quora. The feeling of being attacked and demanded to justify my right to say what I want to is the same.

Seriously, go back and read what I have said, and then read what you have said to me. My husband and son told me to stay out of this, and I really wish I had listened. I guess the nastiness is my punishment for involving myself in someone else's business. Another lesson learned, as I extricate myself from more "Curtis-driven-issues." My life is happy, peaceful, and satisfying. I want to keep it that way.

By the way, I am also a writer and I wish you much luck with your book!

SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 AT 8:28 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
Good Morning, here is a little more information about Curtis coats
Status: Released
Booking No: GCSO17JBN004293 MniNo: GCSO17MNI012782
Booking Date: 09/21/2017 03:05 PM Released: 12/30/2017 07:33 PM
Age On Booking Date: 53
Bond Amount: $3500.00 Cash Only: $110.00
CELL Assigned:

Address Given: 3180 MORGAN BOX DR BUFORD GA 30519


[+] 16-9-20(b)(3) DEPOSIT ACCOUNT FRAUD (BAD CHECKS) $1500 F $1300.00



[+] 16-9-20(b)(3) DEPOSIT ACCOUNT FRAUD (BAD CHECKS) $1500 F $1300.00


SURETY $0.00


SURETY $0.00

[+] 16-9-20(b)(1)(2) DEPOSIT ACCOUNT FRAUD (BAD CHECKS) NO MO M $1300.00

SURETY $25.00


SURETY $0.00


Status: Released
Booking No: GCSO18JBN020005 MniNo: GCSO17MNI012782
Booking Date: 08/01/2018 03:36 PM Released: 08/09/2018 03:00 PM
Age On Booking Date: 54
Bond Amount: $7319.72 Cash Only: $0.00
CELL Assigned:

Address Given: 4170 SECRET SHOALS WAY BUFORD GA 30518


SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 AT 9:22 AM

Tina Lee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 AT 1:44 PM

Tina Lee said...
WinGellyGirl, you can always email to share your story with law enforcement.  Any police reports or court records that are relevant to your case would be helpful in his investigation.  This way, your friends, Curtis, and his family won't know about your having done so.

But see, that's the fishiest part of your story.  Why would you be afraid of Curtis finding out? Or his family learning that he's defrauded you? It's Curtis's m.o. to hide behind fake names, emails, and phone numbers so forgive me for being suspicious.  You say that you're angry about being taken advantage of but you're afraid of awkwardness.  When I read that, I can't help but think that you're the perp, not the victim.  Only Curtis can come up with such a contrived explanation: You've been defrauded by Curtis but you're afraid of awkwardness between you and the con-man? Or between you and so-called mutual friends or members of his family?

I'm going to raise Amber's suspicions again.  You claim in your response that you fell for Curtis's story about his son.  I don't know which son you're speaking of, but you're contradicting yourself.  You said in your first post that you know both of his ex-wives.  If you knew his exes, you'd know that he has no custody, nor pays child support, nor has any relations with ANY of his sons.  In fact, you stated that yourself in your post.  So how could you have fallen for that con?

Your one claim that's substantiable turns out to be false (see above post for Essence article) or misleading.  But it's clear what your objective was: to paint Curtis's ex as a homewrecker who ruined him.  In fact, your claims all share a similar theme: DENIAL of responsibility for Curtis and BLAME displaced on others for Curtis's own actions.

To Conclude:

My allegation's that you're Curtis.  No one, anywhere in this thread said anything about your being his ex or having been romantically involved with him.

You were pressed for evidence to your claims but you responded with paragraphs of irrelevant information.  These non sequiturs? Classic Curtis.

I wish I could give you benefit of doubt, but it's hard to when you hide behind an alias.  If you think you've already been outed from your posts, why don't you identify yourself and allow us to give you the apology you deserve?
SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 AT 2:39 PM

Blogger said...
Tracy, thank you the continued contributions!

Hi Tina! If only people heard HOW he robbed your place before moving out, that story is ridiculous too!

And this Gellygirl is definitely Curtis. It’s obvious. He gets sloppy when he gets defensive. His last reply had so many holes, a glaring one being that he said he “googled his name when looking for Curtis’ father”—This blog doesn’t show up when you google his name – YET. Unless you put the words “con man” with your search.
This blog is only one week old, and has already gotten so much traction. I’ve only shared it via social media, and it is now listed on the scamguard website. So, again, sloppy lies.

Also, I ran in to Curtis on the 4th of July with his son, who looked quite healthy and normal. We were on the Rooftop at Ponce City Market, and the party was private VIP with expensive tickets. So he scammed someone to get up there. Both he and his son were wearing the Acuna Jr Braves jerseys I bought them when his “assistant” ordered him an elaborate “Braves Baseball VIP experience” gift basket for his birthday. I kept my cool because of his son, but regret doing so now. I should have found out who he was with and exposed him, but I was there as a guest of the Roof. So if you see him prowling around in that Braves jersey, now you know how he got it. I think he wears it OFTEN.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 AT 4:04 PM

Tina Lee said...
Reposting a truncated version of my previous post to Tracy. The court record was unnecessarily long. For any who are interested, the record in its entirety (enter case # from below) is available online at the Gwinnett County court:

Tracy, thank you for posting this information, I've not been able to locate it. An officer helped me interpret the following 2018 record from Gwinnett County from his end (copied below). I learned that he only received probation for the bad checks. It was disheartening. So I'm glad to see from the information that you posted that the world at least got a break from Curtis for 3 months in 2017 while his butt was in jail for these charges.

18-B-02436-8 | STATE VS COATS

Case Number

Division 8

Judicial Officer
Hamil, R. Timothy

File Date

Case Type

Case Status

State of Georgia






Description Statute Level Date
001 Identity Theft Fraud When Using/Possessing Id 16-9-121(a)(1) Felony 01/01/2016
002 Theft by Deception 16-8-3 Misdemeanor 01/01/2016
Disposition Events
SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 AT 4:41 PM

Blogger said...
This blog has been updated with additional information. Please see under the blue highlighted line towards the end of the post. You can also send your information to
SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 AT 3:52 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
One thing about curtis. If he finds out where you work he will attempt to get you fired saying that you are harassing him. Curtis is a poor excuse for a human being. I wish there was some landlord blog to post all this info to let landlords know about him. Curtis's own family will have nothing to do with him. His sister is an author. His step mother has disowned him. His own children have nothing to do with. One thing about a narcissist is that they will eventually escalate.he is currently cornered and has no where to go. He can't go back to Texas. He is stuck in Atlanta
Thank you for this blog. As I gain more info i will post.
SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 AT 11:22 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
Oh there is a reporter in Austin, TX that did a story on him
SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 AT 11:24 PM

Blogger said...
The following update was added above:

Yesterday a Sergeant from Atlanta PD came to my shop to investigate a police report that Curtis Coats filed against me, for "harassing communication." After I laughed out loud, I felt shock, but then in an instant not shocked at all. I was shocked that he would go down to a police precinct and file, but nope, he filed online. I was also very pleased to tell this Sergeant all of the stories I've heard from people responding to my blog, along with my own personal experiences with Curtis.

Although my blog is not intended to "harass" Curtis Coats, it is to warn others- I looked up the definition and here is what I found.

As far as I am concerned, and intend- I am only posting information that 1) I experienced myself, 2) others have directly reported to me, or 3) are reported in court records, or other online outlets.

Again, I am shocked by some of the responses I have received, and grateful. Please keep in mind the definition of "harassment" above when making your comments. But I believe a good rule of thumb is- if it's true, and especially if you have documented proof, it is not harassment to share your communication.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2019 AT 1:52 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
That is his M.O he has filed so many false reports on people because he feels so harassed or says people are spreading lies on him. everything that is posted here is public information and already on the internet, on court cites etc. all you have to do is Google his name and all his crap comes up. Curtis needs to sit down and have several seats and do some self assessment that 100% of his issues are caused by him and no one else.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2019 AT 4:00 PM

Blogger said...
It is unfortunate to hear that he's done this before. We will see if he follows through. Seems like filing false police reports should have some kind of punishment. I have a feeling he just did this to alarm me, but I am not alarmed.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 AT 6:23 PM

Blogger said...
Regarding the police report Curtis Coats filed against me. He did not show up to his scheduled face to face meeting with the investigator he sent to my shop. No surprise at all. To me this says he never meant to follow through. So not only does Mr. Coats waste the Courts' time with his frivolous bankruptcy filings, but he also abuses Law Enforcement's time with frivolous police reports.

Mr. Coats did not show up to his latest bankruptcy hearing on September 24th. Ridiculous.

I have also received ANOTHER phone call from one of his recent victims, where he monetarily scammed someone again. More information is coming for this, so I will not share quite yet.
OCTOBER 1, 2019 AT 4:04 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
I am not sure how a bankruptcy attorney doesn't look in the system and see how many times he has filed and not shown up or let alone pay an attorney. SMH.
OCTOBER 8, 2019 AT 4:04 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
And the reason that he files bankruptcies is to prevent from getting evicted .
OCTOBER 8, 2019 AT 4:11 PM

Blogger said...
And once again, more info to update on Curtis. Please see above. Also note new alias "Noah Drake" and "Justin Case"
NOVEMBER 2, 2019 AT 12:59 PM

Blogger. LLC said...
Just a tidbit of humor. Judge Mathis production company has contacted the latest landlord to see if she wants to settle her case on their show.

Judge Jerry (Springer) contacted me when I filed, to see if I wanted to settle my case on their show. Curtis entertained a couple of phone calls with the production assistant, but ultimately surprise. Too bad too, because these shows offer to pay the judgement for whoever wins.

That's okay, I'm saving all of our content to pitch to a bigger production company. And when I do, everyone will get a piece of the pie to tell their story...and hopefully recover some of the money this man has stolen from all of us.
NOVEMBER 6, 2019 AT 11:38 AM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
WOW is all I can say. You would think the narcissist that he is he would have accepted but then everyone would find out what a pathetic con artist that he is.
NOVEMBER 11, 2019 AT 3:47 PM

Researcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NOVEMBER 12, 2019 AT 9:15 PM

Researcher said...
I am Curtis' sister. This is all very sad. I can only be happy that our parents are not alive to see any of this. It would break their hearts. This is disturbing, and I can't wrap my mind around this being my own brother.

Winngellygirl is a real person, not my brother. She is the one who told me about this blog, and I wish she hadn't. I'm not telling my sisters, and am never reading this again. All of this is just awful. Too, too awful.
NOVEMBER 12, 2019 AT 9:24 PM

Unknown said...
I am also Curtis' sister. I commented after seeing the post from my sister above. I found this blog after viewing the internet to see what information came up under my brother's name and as my sister said, this is just too sad and awful to even digest. I cannot comprehend the offenses mentioned about Curtis and like my sister, my only solace is that our parents are not alive to see this.

I understand that this blog is to warn others to avoid being taken advantage of, but there is no need to mention any other members of my family. I saw someone named Tracy J. Williamson mention my profession and supposed details about my family's relationship with my brother and his relationships with his children. I do not know Tracy personally so I'm not sure how she has this intimate information. However, if your goal is to post public information about my brother, that certainly does not include any other members of his family who do not know you nor did anything to any of you personally. We are also people and deserve to have the same respect as anyone else.

I am a public figure so I understand that I have no anonymity. But his children, particularly my youngest nephew that someone mentioned by age and questioned his condition which is completely inappropriate is NOT a part of your investigation. And the claim to have received permission from my oldest nephew to post about the horrific situation he experienced is simply NOT TRUE. My nephew would have never given a stranger permission to discuss such a private and painful family situation in a blog. Do you understand that this man is still his FATHER? Yes, you have been wronged and are hurt and I don't claim to minimize that. But there are other lives involved besides my brother's and if you are the good samaritan you claim to be, please be respectful of that.

I will take the same route as my sister and never visit this blog again. It is troubling on so many levels and I don't really know how to process it. But because this isn't just a story to read or as someone above said anything to "add a tidbit of humor" or something to make into a documentary or movie for me and my family, I felt compelled to respond. No one in this world is born with evil intent. Life experiences, circumstances, and trauma shape an individual's personality and actions. None of you have any idea of our family's life story and anyone on this blog who claims to have that type of intimate knowledge is blatantly fabricating their responses. No member of my family would contribute to this nor allow our younger family members to be exploited for the purposes of blogging a situation that has absolutely nothing to do with any of them.

I hope you can limit your comments and posts to what happened to you specifically and remove any other aspect from your commenting.

Thank you.
NOVEMBER 16, 2019 AT 2:06 AM

Blogger said...
Hello, I almost didn't reply since you won't be visiting the blog again and won't see this. However,for anyone else reading this..,

1) The only family members I have mentioned in the original blog were his ex wife and to leave her alone, and his young son who he continues to use in manipulation for empathy when he scams people.

2) I assure you, your nephew absolutely did reach out to me, absolutely did attach the gwinnett county court document of his father's crime, and I did not use his name of nor did I use his younger son's name. And he absolutely gave me permission to use this information for the update.

3) Any other references to your family members were made by other people commenting on this blog- one being that winjellygirl- the very 1st person to respond, and who I am still convinced is Curtis- though your other sister just said she was her "friend".

4) While I'm at it, I just got another phone call from his latest employer of only a month, who he scammed as well. She did see my blog after she employed him, confronted him about it, and said that she was going to give him a chance. But he still ripped her off.

5) I never intended to have to be a keeper of these updates. I never thought so many people would contact me. Reminder that my blog is just over 2 months old. It's also sad.
NOVEMBER 16, 2019 AT 5:46 PM

Unknown said...
I will not be reading your blog, but specifically came back for your response to see what type of person you were. I don't care about your updates. My post is not about my brother. My post is telling you specifically to not mention any of my other family members and to advise the people posting to do the same. It does not matter than you didn't mention them by name. You referenced them and one of your commenters mentioned me and my step-mother which is an invasion of privacy. You own this blog and have control over the comments.

You obviously do not care that this has not only affected YOUR life, but it is also affecting the lives of those of us who are actually related to Curtis. Your loss is dollars and cents. Our loss goes much deeper. I am appalled that your response was defensive instead of apologetic. Imagine if this was YOUR family. Money is material and can be recouped, but a broken family's wounds go much deeper.

And I know for a FACT that my nephew did not give you permission to do this. I confirmed this with him. As an adult, you should understand how irresponsible it is to include anyone else in your "updates" other than the person who wronged you DIRECTLY. What does my nephew have to do with you and anything that happened between you and my brother? That was HIS situation, not yours and it was used here for gossiping purposes ONLY. I am a fully grown woman and know exactly why you felt the need to include that and the ONLY reason you know is because it is public record.

Please refrain from mentioning ANY of my family members and keep your blog to Curtis alone.
This is the last time I will ask. This may be a game to you, but these are people's LIVES you are speaking of. Have some decency. And before you make a snide comment about my brother not having any decency, I will remind you that I am NOT speaking of Curtis. I am speaking of his family members that you do NOT know, that did NOT do anything to you and that you have NO RIGHT to speak of in any way, shape, form or fashion.

I hope I have made myself very clear. I have no idea why you felt the need to mention how old your blog was. It seems that you are just trying to get followers as you had to mention how many views your blog gets when it's shared. I was decent enough to acknowledge that you were wronged by my brother and did not make any excuses for him or his behavior. I would appreciate you not doing the same for yours.
NOVEMBER 17, 2019 AT 12:16 PM

Blogger said...
Please feel free to call me at the shop, to let me know how I have personally hurt you or any of your family members with my blog. I'm also happy to discuss your nephew as well. If I do hear from you personally, I will stand corrected and update this message, however you sound so much like just another personality Curtis is impersonating. So my apologies in advance if I'm wrong, otherwise I'm done with this conversation.
NOVEMBER 17, 2019 AT 3:07 PM

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NOVEMBER 17, 2019 AT 5:17 PM

Unknown said...
What is the number to your shop and what is your name?
NOVEMBER 17, 2019 AT 5:25 PM

Blogger said...
I would rather not post my phone number directly, but none of the other victims of had trouble finding me. Reference my blog. Look forward to hearing from you.
NOVEMBER 17, 2019 AT 6:24 PM

Inforcer said...
Check your email.
NOVEMBER 17, 2019 AT 6:34 PM

Inforcer said...
I left an email in your box "" And just to respond to your above comment - I do not owe you ANY explanation as to how this blog has hurt my family. If you cannot figure that out on your own, then you have more issues than your unhealthy obsession with someone else's life. I look forward to speaking with you directly as soon as possible.
NOVEMBER 17, 2019 AT 8:07 PM

Tracy J. Williamson said...
Thank you for posting this blog . As one of Curtis's Victims I find it appalling that his family is not really concerned at how his actions are affecting the family but how this blog is? This blog would not exist if Curtis did not do the things that he did to people. His actions affected other peoples families and their business and their livelihood. By blaming this blog and not Curtis is continuing to enable his behavior. Curtis is not a child he is an adult. He needs help. Idle threats or one thing that Curtis does when he gets cornered. The information on this blog is actually public information and is documents in court records. There is no slander when there are no lies being posted. I am sure that when you googled Curtis names this is not the only thing you found on him. This blog didn't hurt your family. Curtis did.
NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 2:39 PM

Inforcer said...
This message is for Tracy J. Williamson. First of all I do not know you l, have never spoken to you, but you seem to have so much information about my family. How do you know who speaks to Curtis and who doesn’t? How do you have information regarding my step-mother? If you actually took the time to read my posts as opposed to just going on the attack, you will see that I REPEATEDLY reiterated that I was NOT addressing ANYTHING about Curtis and only took issue with any of my other family members being mentioned on this page. Particularly your posting that gave untruths about my family. How are you in a position to speak on the feelings of MY family? Like I told Amber, I am not here to say anything about Curtis. I have never once debated and tried to debunk ANY of your claims. My only request was that the people on this site ONLY SPEAK OF CURTIS and do not mention ANY OF MY OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS. The fact that I am an author has absolutely NOTHING to do with the grievances you all have with my brother. My family has suffered enough with all of this and do not deserved to be attacked by strangers. You do not have the ability to tell me what did or did not hurt my family. I do not know you nor does anyone in my immediate family so please keep your attacks to your subject matter and do NOT insert yourself into any other part of my family.
NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 3:30 PM

Blogger said...
I was busy all day, so could not update. I did receive a call from "inforcer" last night who said she was his sister. The conversation however was not very productive. It was only seconds long, and pretty much her just yelling at me, and over me, and accusing me of being drunk, and then hanging up on me and not answering my return calls. I do understand how sensitive this matter is because in learning the sisters name, I put another puzzle piece together. She has also been used by her brother, in one of his scams that he directly used to fool me. Because she is so concerned about her privacy, I won't get into more detail. I understand this is dramatic and painful for your family, but don't kill the messenger. Again, this is all Curtis' doing. Lastly, I have not said anything about the stepmother, but she has reached out to me as well, just a week or so ago.

This drama is more than I signed up for. Plus I got another developing phone call today.

Lets at least heed to the sisters wishes and not mention other family members, unless it is pertinent to your particular scam experience with Curtis....which I am not saying was not the case for Tracy.

NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 5:20 PM

Inforcer said...
The call was short because you were over talking me. Tell the entire story. Had you spoken to me with respect we could have had a conversation. You are blocked and that is why your calls were not returned. And so you can stop speaking half truths where I am concerned , I was NOT scammed by my brother. What you heard was a mock interview that I was volunteered to do. So please do not speak for me as you do not know me nor do you know anything about the rest of my family.

And you speak as if I have no right to be concerned with my OWN privacy or that of my family members. You believe because my brother wronged you that you have the right to harass his entire family? Unbelievable. I am not my brother nor are any of my family members. I sincerely hope that you remain true to your word to keep this blog ONLY TO CURTIS and to not mention any other family member without their expressed permission. You are not the only person dealing with drama. My family’s drama goes far beyond your blog. For the last time, so that no one has anything further to say about my family, my ONLY. concern is protecting the rest of my family who have NOTHING to do with what Curtis did and to respect our privacy. Thank you.
NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 5:52 PM

Blogger said...
Dear ma'am, this has nothing to do with your family and nobody is concerned or investigating you family, as you claimed last night. Any mentions of your family are just small details in a much bigger story, since he is clearly not prejudice about using his own family members into his drama. I don't appreciate your attitude. It's also surprising to me that you have no idea the history of your brother. If you did, doing a mock interview for him, for next "big thing" he is working on, and knowing his history, might actually make you an accomplice. Goodnight.
NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 6:10 PM

Inforcer said...
I am going to say this last thing and then I am done with you and this foolishness once and for all. It is YOUR attitude that is the problem. You have the audacity to assume that Curtis' family has anything to do with what he's done and that you have the RIGHT to judge, be rude to, or make snide remarks about any of us. You do not know me but if you keep up this slander, you will. Let me be clear, you do not know my entire family. You only know your exchange with my brother. PERIOD. You don't know ANYTHING about my family and have no basis for any statements you make about what you think you know about any of us. Who do you think you are judging ME? This is too ridiculous for words. And learn the law, lady. An accomplice? Just stop it. Your ignorance is showing. You will only come back with ridiculous attacks that in the end don't do anything to do what you CLAIM this blog is for, and that is to warn other women about Curtis. Stick to that and keep your nose out of things that don't concern you. My family is not a "small detail". We are human beings. God help you if your family ever has to deal with this, then maybe you would understand this from the family members point of view. You are attacking me as if I personally did something to you and you and these women obsession with this is bizarre. If you mention me or my family again I will just go straight to the authorities. This conversation and any contact with me and my family is over.
NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 6:30 PM

Blogger said...
As I said last night during your threats to contact authorities-please do!! They are already on it. And by the way, your antics have made this all about your family, nobody even thought twice about it before you started all these blog responses. And to clarify,
the authorities are already watching this blog. I would prefer you actually help your brother to recover from his sickness, he is inredibly prolific and intelligent, and wasting his energy on evil things when he can clearly be successful. Again good night. Now Im done with you, and wont reply again. God bless you.
NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 8:22 PM

Inforcer said...
You are correct about one thing. Nobody thought about it because no one on your blog had thought to be considerate of anyone but yourselves. And when I speak about law enforcement, I'm speaking about you, not Curtis. Your rudeness, your complete dismissal of my statements, your attempt to control this narrative and tell your commenters to "only mention my family if it's pertinent to a scam" when I specifically told you to cease speaking of any family members outside of Curtis is where you went wrong. There are federal laws around privacy and the fact that you have disregarded mine and that of my family's in WRITING is a crime. Your continuous disrespect and flippant comments about me is also called libel. So you can keep coming back making smart remarks as much as you wish, but you have already given me a page full of material that you cannot dispute because these are statements that you made by your own free will. We will see if you will really stop speaking of me or addressing me.
NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 8:47 PM
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